The Easiest Pumpkin Dinner Rolls

– Anonymous

These super easy Pumpkin Dinner Rolls are made with pumpkin puree for the perfect pumpkin flavor and the tastiest side dish on your Thanksgiving dinner table!

They go well with just about everything, and kids and adults both seem to love them alike which makes them an ideal side dish for any dinner meal!

Recipe Inspiration

How To Make Pumpkin Dinner Rolls


Gather the ingredients

Pre-Preparation Tips

Preheat the oven to 325 F.

Combine lukewarm water, sugar, and yeast in a mixer bowl and give it a good stir, until the sugar melts.



Crack the eggs into a small bowl. Set aside the egg white from the yolk of one egg in a separate small bowl since you will need this egg white for brushing the rolls later.


Time for our pumpkin puree! Now add salt, and pumpkin puree, and whisk it all together for a couple of minutes or until combined.


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